I am cracking up as I write this. We had so much fun today. It is easy to get grouchy since we have been testing all week and still have a last review for SS test tomorrow. My computer is shot! I had planned on playing the Jeopardy game I made to take the kids through all of our history lessons. Well, our computer tech guy came in today of all days! I really wanted him to take my computer though. So what do you think I did? No I didn't highjack the Apple truck. Silly beans. I came up with last minute idea. You know the drill! We are constantly thinking, sleeping, waking up in the middle of the night, jotting ideas down. When I told my students we weren't playing jeopardy, they started to complain until I explained the multiple meaning word "flexible." I pretended to stretch then I explained my job requires flexibility. I told them that I came up with a different game and they will enjoy it just as much! I wrote words from our SS review on sticky notes by dividing them I colors. Pink was people. Yellow was groups of people. Green was places. Blue was things. Then I wrote each of our main units on the board. I handed out the sticky notes and they had to group them according to the right unit. Next I did a walk through history and we talked about each of the words ( of course we had to move a few because my brilliant little ones are not perfect). Then I divided them up into 6 groups and gave one student a headband from the game Headbandz. I handed out index cards with the same words on them. They took turns guessing what word was in their head! They could start by asking "Am I a person?". Then go on to say "Am I from the Revolutionary War?" and so on. Fun! The following pictures show us laughing and learning! Now, it isn't the neatest thing in the world because I wa rushing but it certainly was a blast!